
Conventional mineral exploration involves an incremental, area reduction, decision-making process that, at best, uses 20‑40% of available data and is subject to human bias.
SensOre takes a different approach, applying integrated AI/ML algorithms to a large geoscience Data Cube to find the digital fingerprints and ‘predict’ the location of mineral deposits in three core steps: training, prediction and target analysis. In doing so, SensOre generates AI-targets (AI-enhanced deposit predictions) informing targeting.
SensOre’s exploration tools predict the location and economic viability of deposits, generating information on endowment (size), grade and depth at a cell dimension small enough to quicken decision making and move directly from predicted target to drill testing cost effectively and with a narrower environmental footprint.
SensOre works with partners and clients to unlock the value of geoscience data and the potential of new and existing exploration sites.
We invest heavily in our Technology division, including our research and development program, to validate and enhance our technology assets and product suite. The technology currently deployed by our Exploration and Exploration Services divisions includes:

An AI-target generation and validation technology that uses Data Cube to make predictions regarding the location, size (i.e. endowment), average ore grade/concentration) and depth of a given deposit.

Our regional prospectivity models are designed to highlight terrane to belt-scale regions of interest.
SensOre’s Regional Prospectivity Models are geophysical and geological constructs that make use of the SensOre’s cleaned Discoveries Database as a training database.

Adjacency modelling predicts deposit adjacency categories using hundreds to thousands data cube variables with supervised classification algorithms (SAM).

The Archean Gold Lode Alteration Detection System (AGLADS®) is a machine learning system designed to identify alteration of various types (i.e. host, distal, proximal, ore) enveloping gold lode systems found in the Archean of Western Australia. AGLADS® is used as a geochemical ‘Vector to Gold Ore’ during routine exploration and evaluation work performed by SensOre, including the evaluation of drilling data.

A multidimensional repository of cleaned and levelled geoscience data which continues to expand as SensOre acquires additional public and proprietary geochemical, geophysical and geological data. Data Cube contains more than 2,500 data layers and +65 billion discrete data points in Australia.

SensOre’s Discoveries Database is an evolving repository of publicly available mineral deposits and occurrences data. This proprietary deposit database for gold, copper nickel, lithium, tin, tantalum and rare earths is a competitive advantage and a key part of predictive targeting in both prospectivity mapping and DPT.

Identification of Base Metal potential of suspected gossans and ironstones. Gossan types include VMS systems, Broken Hill-type, Banded Iron Formation-related deposits, gossans developed over sediment-hosted Cu-(Ag/Pb/Zn) deposits and many other types.

Identification of “Natural” Petrophysical Populations in Geophysical Data. Particularly useful when fused with geochemistry to extract the geochemical characteristics of SimClust geophysical populations.

Identification of “Natural” Geochemical Populations in Geochemical Data. Used for for rock characterisation and exploration vectoring. Characterisation of natural unsupervised clusters using univariate and multivariate (Incl. supervised classification) statistical analysis and frequencies of categorical labels.

Identification of the Lithium Pegmatite potential of granites using extended multi-element geochemistry. Classification of granites capable of identifying prospectivity for Au, Li.

iGRock is a prototype rock-type classification system based on igneous rock type identification using multi-element geochemical assay data. The system is designed to identify igneous rocks predicted to be associated with, or host to, mineralisation of interest to SensOre and its clients.

Identification of the mineral potential of an igneous rock from 54 types available. Classification based on availability of extended multi-element geochemical data. Most ore deposit styles are available including many of economic significance to exploration. If your deposit type is not currently available SensOre can customize classification schemes based on your preferences

Using multi-element, geological and mineralogical data, iDeposit is an ore deposit type classification system derived from the geochemical signature of different deposit types.

Advanced Analysis Of Geochemical Data
- Geochemical /Geological Data QA/QC
- Geochemical / Geological Data Cleaning
- Geochemical Data Levelling
- Geochemical Data Imputation
- Data Fusion SensOre Cleaned

Advanced Statistical Analysis
- Fingerprinting of Geochemical Data
- Text Mining & Geochemical Analysis
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis
- Bespoke Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Solutions